Checklist: Is Your IT Provider Delivering on Their Promise of Responsiveness?

Wouldn’t it be great if you had the IT provider you need… one that delivers on their promise; giving you dedicated customer service, responsiveness, and top-notch service delivery – all while knowing that your IT provider really cares about you?

If you’re feeling frustrated with your IT provider, or missing any of the elements listed above, it’s time to consider making a switch.

The Connecting Point Way

What the heck is the Connecting Point Way…………No, it’s not a side street.  It’s the unique way that we provide holistic support to our clients.  The Connecting Point Way has been evolving over a two year period, but has now been in place for several quarters.

An IT Partner, NOT Provider

At Connecting Point we understand why your critical business services are so important to your daily operations. This is why we spend so much time aligning our technology to support your initiatives. We strive to be a true IT Partner, not just an IT Provider.

What Is Infrastructure-as-a-Service?

Up until recently, most businesses relied on an in-house server to serve as the central processing power of the company network. While this worked well for most businesses, these servers required continual support, as well as continual upgrades and care.

Set up a productive, efficient, and secure remote team that can help you run your business anywhere. Download our free eBook today to learn how!Download here